All posts by modirnia

Why ISO 10004

ISO 10004

This standard provides guidance on achieving and maintaining customer satisfaction; employing guidelines of this standard enables organizations for systemic implementation of customer satisfaction standards. All organizations can benefit from this standard; standard certification firms of Iran provide services required for acquiring ISO 10004 certificate. Requirements of this standard revolve around Customer Satisfaction Index or CSI which is a combination of various parameters used for measuring the satisfaction level of customers.

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Why ISO 10002

ISO 10002

This standard provides guidelines required for establishing customer complaint management systems; by relying on any such system, an organization will be enabled for addressing complaints of their customers systematically. This standard can be implemented in all organizations; standard certification service firms of Iran provide services for acquiring ISO 10002 certificate.

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Why ISO 18001

  1. Deals with Risk and Opportunities

Fundamentally, it deals with both the risk and opportunities where OHSAS 18001 and previous standards primarily dealt with the risks presented by an organization.

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Why ISO 45001

ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is an Occupational Safety and Health standard, which its implementation alleviates and controls occupational hazards and accidents. This standard published in 2018 and replaced OHSAS 18001 standard of Occupational Safety and Health Management System.

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Why ISO 9001

Why ISO 9001?

Because ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for an effective quality management system, organizations find that using the standard helps them to organize a quality management system (QMS), promote satisfaction at costumers, management and employees levels and continually improve their processes.

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Why ISO 14001

ISO 14001 Standard

ISO 14001 is a standard which focusses on managing impacts of the organization on the environment and controlling pollutants produced by the businesses. Organizations working with oil, gas, petrochemical and civil companies can benefit the most from ISO 14001 standard.

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